Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Not quite bonkers in Honkers but having a nice time

We safely arrived in Hong Kong on Monday night. The flight was OK after we drugged Freddie with an industrial quantity of Phenergan. He slept most of the way. Floss only got a few hours, but kept her end up really well especially given she was still recovering from a tummy bug. I watched about 25 minutes of the Iron Lady, but that is travelling with children for you...

Flossie and Freddie on the plane

We are staying at the Salisbury YMCA, which is FANTASTIC. They upgraded us to a harbour view room, so we are looking out to Hong Kong island - it is basically right next door to the Penninsula (top 10 hotel in the world) at about 50% of the cost. Rob's foot (thanks to drunken fall last Thursday) is not much better but they managed to rustle up a pair of crutches and have been incredibly helpful with everything.

View from our hotel room (copyright Florence)
The combination of crutches and children has served us very well - we have managed to queue jump/get seats everywhere. Freddie has started his international charm offensive - he has had his photo taken by multiple Chinese tourists and had the whole of a Star Ferry in raptures yesterday.

After yum cha brunch, where Flossie declared the pork buns not as good as Australian ones (possibly due to less sugar and red food colouring) and Freddie ate two pork buns and a pork pie, we took the ferry to HK island and a bus to the Peak tram.
Freddie enjoying the view from the top of the bus
Everyone was pretty tired by the time we got up there, but it was spectacular nonetheless and we all perked up with a sit-down and an ice-cream.

We had possibly the world's worst pizza for dinner as the kids were too tired to sit in a restaurant. They were asleep by 7pm. Rob and I were asleep by 7.30pm. We are all feeling much better today and there is much little girl excitement about meeting the Disney princesses today. Rob has used this as a lever to get her to do some maths this morning! 

Flossie's maths
Stand by for a pink princess post.
Laura x

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